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Friday, March 11, 2011

Iksan - Week 2 - Getting Started

Gene makes a friend
This little boy and his identical twin came over to us in this waiting room, just smiling real big.  He was interested in the iPad and a quick learner - could slide the pictures across the screen.

Market Day

This open air market is operated 6 times per month about 1/4 mile from our house.  No, we did not buy seafood this day, but did buy strawberries, potatoes, broccoli, and onions.  

Elementary School near the Church
Next week, at this elementary school, we will begin teaching English to a class of 1st and 2nd grade students, and a class of 3rd and 4th grade students.  We will teach these classes 2 days per week.  Since this school can not provide an English teacher, the principal seemed very pleased that we would be willing to volunteer time for his school.  The facility is very clean, bright, and neat.  

Yang Hee cautioned us that the kids can be a handful.  When her husband Hugh (from the UK) was teaching this age, that when he was frustrated and said "Sit down and be quiet", the kids in unison  repeated "Sit down and be quiet".  And, if he said "Stop that" they said "Stop that".  I wonder if that "Sheila Look" is going to be effective here.  (Some of us know what the "Sheila Look" is.)

Lunch with Yang Hee and 2 moms from her moms club. 

These are moms of some of the elementary students that she teaches in her apartment each afternoon.  This is in Bongdong, the high tech, research town.  The plan is to rent a storefront that is about 12 x 25 feet for a classroom for teaching these young children English.  It is very clear that the kids and the moms respect Yang Hee very highly.  The purpose of these classes is to develop a relationship with these families, believing they will then be interested in coming to English services.   We expect to get the space by March 20, and furnish it for classes and for services immediately.  

High School Students
There is a private high school next door to our apartment.  Just a "Hello" from us to these students who were walking from the bus depot, quickly drew a large crowd.  They speak very good English and are most charming - saying to Sheila "you are a beautiful lady".  She was very impressed - until they said to Gene "You are handsome". 


Vicki Smith said...

Love it! Great post and pictures. It's so GREAT getting to visit Korea with you.
Heard this morning about the earthquake in Japan. Right now Brother Dupre is captive on an airplane at a Japanese airport he was diverted to due to the quake. I believe he was supposed to land in Tokyo to change planes, but the plane was diverted somewhere else. He's been told they'll probably have to stay on the airplane for a few more hours--and you KNOW how long the flight is across the Pacific! They've landed and now he can't even get off the plane! Pray for him. BTW, the big quake in Chile last month occurred when Brother Dupre was there. When is he due to visit Korea? You'd better watch out! ;-)
I was so impressed with the friendliness of the Korean people. They seem especially friendly to Americans. That's certainly not the case in many of the other countries we've visited. --I made a vow to the Lord when I was in Korea that I would pray for you guys EVERY DAY. It hasn't been difficult to remember to pray. I love you and thank you for your labor of love. May God richly reward you, and your FAMILY, for your sacrifice. There is often great joy in sacrificing! Praise God!

Amy Brown said...

I love the pictures! Don't worry about the kids at the had plenty of practice with me growing up! Ha! See, God has been training you for a long time for this! Ha! I love you...prayer without ceasing....miss you.
